2. Travel Journal - pack a small journal in case you want to write something down.
3. Pens - for writing in your journal.
4. Passport and Cash - the most important thing when flying!
5. Sunglasses - pack these in the top of your carry on so they don't get squished.
6. Regular Glasses - pack these if you don't wear glasses or are planning on flying in contacts (I highly discourage you to fly in contacts).
7. Warm Socks - bring these for the plane ride (my feet always get cold!)
8. Camera - pack this into your camera case so it doesn't get knocked around.
9. Headphones - to tune out the crying baby or loud laugher on the plane.
10. Face Wipes - these come in handy if you have been flying all day and feel gross.
11. Computer - pack this in an easily accessible spot because you will have to take it out through security.
12. Chapstick - always always always pack this because airplanes can really dry out your lips!
I hope this can help you while you are packing your carry on for your next flight! This list is pretty much everything I put into my tote bag while flying (with the exception of multiple novels). When I travel, I try to pack all of my clothes into a small suitcase so I don't have to worry about checking a bag. I have found that wearing my bulkiest shoes and rolling clothes is very helpful when packing a week or two into a single suitcase. If anyone has any packing tips or things they put into their carry on, I'd love to hear from you!
Thank you for reading my blog!
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