Happy Holidays

Saturday, December 17

Happy Holidays! I wanted to write a quick post to wish y’all a wonderful holiday season. I hope it’s your best one yet. :) 

I will be taking a small break from social media for the holidays. Next week my husband and I will be driving to Illinois to visit his family. On the way, we will stop in Nashville overnight and then in Louisville another night. It will be a fun adventure. 

I encourage you to be present for your loved ones as well as yourself. Make a point of expressing your love for them. I always took the holidays for granted in college because I didn't realize that someday I wouldn't be spending some major holidays with family. Since I didn’t see them at Thanksgiving and won’t see them this Christmas as well, I especially miss them. My parents, brother and I are very close and we’ve never spent a holiday apart so it’s definitely an adjustment. However, there are several relatives of my husband’s whom I have yet to meet and I’m excited to get to know and spend time with them. This holiday season is going to be a lot of fun and, coming from Florida, I’m excited to have a "white Christmas."

I will be taking my break next week so I'll see you around. I wish you a great holiday filled with love and laughter!  Until next year...


1 comment

  1. Safe travels. We love you to the moon and back and are with you in love and spirit always! xoxo


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